Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hello PypMsg

PypMsg is a new project that has been hosted on the licenced with GPL. :)

Breifly, I wanted to develop an application that would let me transfer files AND folders over LAN between computers running on different operating systems. My laptop runs Ubuntu Hardy and my office computer runs Windows XP, so its been troublesome and I could not get ipmsg and its dialects to run. So I started to create my own in my favourite programming language, Python... Hurrah!!

So, this project was born. I released the source, windows build and the linux build for the 0.1 version of the project and so, if you're feeling geeky, you may check it out at and give your comments here. I was not able to do extensive testing due to lack of resources and time. If the native builds do not work, you can run with the sources which should be relatively easy...

1. Install Python.
2. Install wxPython (2.8 preferably)
3. Download PypMsg Sources.
4. Run (you will need to give the command 'python' in the terminal)

Please give your responses in the comments. I am working on the 0.2 version which will have a few new features like drag n drop of files/folders, support for multiple transfers, list of online users, auto-reload etc.

One more thing before finishing, if you are good at python and its networking thingies, you are most welcome to help me with this as I am still a learner with python's networking capabilites. This project does not use the file transfer protocol standard... it transfers data trouch individual socket connections. :)
